Community Washing machines are one of the biggest water users in a home, so they are an excellent target for conservation efforts. Hillsboro offers a $50 rebate for water-conserving washing machines and about 600 customers take advantage of the program each year. Hillsboro added a high-efficiency toilet (HET rebate of $75/toilet for up to two toilets ($150) in 2011, after a successful pilot program was conducted in 2009. Applications for qualifying washing machine and HET rebates are available online. Outdoor Water Conservation The Weekly Watering Number is the amount of water in inches that your lawn will need that week. You can also use the Weekly Watering Number for other types of plants, by using these general guidelines. - Shrubs: 50% of the Weekly Watering Number
- Perennials: 50% of the Weekly Watering Number
- Vegetables: 75% of the Weekly Watering Number (new starts may require more water)
- Trees: Newly planted trees need regular watering for up to the first couple of years, while established trees may need a deep soak or two in summer.
Be sure to check with your local garden center or landscape professional for more specific information on your plant's water needs. Learn more |  | Saving Water Indoors Tips to Help Kids Save Water at Home Saving Water Indoors Tips to Help Kids Save Water at Home