Hagg Lake Expansion
Hagg Lake is already a summertime water source for Hillsboro residents. Winter water comes directly from the Tualatin River. For ten years, Hillsboro and its partners have explored expanding the size of Hagg Lake to meet our future needs. Recent seismic issues have arisen that have significantly raised project costs. |
Mid-Willamette Options
The largest river wholly within the state’s borders, the Willamette is an abundant resource. In fact, it is one of the few rivers with water available to be withdrawn in the critical summer months in Oregon, while still maintaining habitat for critical salmon and steelhead. |
South Willamette Options
What if Willamette River water went to farmers while farmers allow municipal agencies to use water captured in Oregon’s Coast Range for drinking water and river cooling? That is exactly the question this study seeks to answer. |
Northern Well Field
In some areas of the lower Willamette Basin groundwater is abundant. Groundwater also isn’t as expensive to treat and leaves valuable surface water in our streams for fish and wildlife. |
Portland Agreement
Could water in the Bull Run System and Columbia South Shore Well Field meet our region’s needs? This project addresses that question along with the cost and feasibility of transporting water all the way across the metro region through Washington County to Hillsboro. |
Durham Treatment Plant
Is there enough water in the lower Tualatin for drinking water purposes? The river is recharged at Durham by outflow from Clean Water Services, but there may not be enough water to meet year-round municipal demands. |