
In late 2008, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), which owns Scoggins Dam, released the findings of its seismic assessment of the dam.  It concluded that a worst-case subduction zone earthquake off the Oregon Coast would exert forces on the dam that would result in a dam failure. BOR is engaged in a study to develop appropriate standards and designs for improving the dam and improving its ability to withstand a seismic event.  The costs and delays associated with those dam modifications created significant uncertainty for the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Partnership's (TBWSP) plan to raise Scoggins Dam.
2009:  Decision to proceed with Water Supply Study. In order to ensure service continuity to customers, and continue a legacy of visionary planning, Hillsboro Water (HW), under the leadership of the Utilities Commission, began a Water Supply Study to identify an additional water source that would best serve Hillsboro customers.
2010-2012:  Water Supply Study.  HW spends approximately 2 1/2 years conducting study of potential future water sources for HIllsboro's next generation of customers.  Over that time period, the Study analyzed six possible water supply options, and also conducted a separate study that considered local groundwater.  The six options studied included:  Hagg Lake Expansion, South Willamette Option, Northern Well Field, Portland Wholesale Agreement,Durham Treatment Plant, and a Mid-Willamette Option
June 2012:  Criteria Set for Source Evaluation.  Based on input from customer surveys and focus groups, along with historic precedence, the Utilities Commission set criteria to rate the source options. 
August 2012:  Sources rated on criteria.  Staff Presentation of Water supply alternative evaluation using criteria set by Utilities Commission and recommendation of Mid-Willamette as the preliminary preferred option.
September 2012:  Preliminary Preferred Option Decision.  Based on the results of the Water Supply Study and the criteria rating, the Utilities Commission designated the Mid-Willamette option as the preliminary preferred source and initiated a public outreach effort.
October 2012 to January 2013:  Public Outreach on Preliminary Preferred Option.  Through multiple interactve public workshops and other sessions with a variety of customers and stakeholders including:  the Youth Advisory Council, the Chamber of Commerce, and the general public, the Commission solicited questions and concerns the public had about the Mid-Willamette option. They also sought confirmation that the choices made for criteria used in the evaluation was appropriate.  Feedback and comments were also solicited through this website. 
January 2013:  Public Hearing.  A public hearing was held on the preliminary preferred choice of the mid-Willamette as the secondary water source for Hillsboro's next generation of customers. 
February 2013:  Official Designation of Preferred Source. The Utilities Commission officially designated the mid-Willamette as Hillsboro Water's preferred additional water source, and gave approval to begin development of the water source wth a goal of bringing the new source online in 2026. 
August 2013:  Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) partners with HW. TVWD approves the mid-Willamette as a future source for their customers as well, confirming the proposed partnership between the two agencies in the development of this future source.
September 2013:  Preliminary Design Engineering Consultant contract.  The UC approved participation in a Design Services Contract to be awarded by TVWD to HDR Engineering Inc., for the Willamette Water Supply System Preliminary Design in the total contract amount of $3,4987,277. 
December 2013:  Public Affairs and Public Outreach.  HW approved consulting firms, CFM Strategic Communications, inc., and Barney & Worth for those respective roles.   

Timeline Fall

Timeline Winter Timeline Spring
Timeline Summer